Saturday, May 11, 2013

Two Down, One to Go

We finished our second home study. This time it was about how me and Stefan met, our personalities, and what attracted us to each other. This home study also covered our parenting of Gracie.

When I first saw Stefan in school, years ago, I knew that someday, just someday, I would at least date him. At that time in my life I didn't even consider marrying anyone. I even went as far as coming home from the first day of classes and told all my roommates about this handsome, tall guy who I would someday date. Six months later we were dating. Shortly after that we fell in love with each other. It was a "just felt right" feeling we both had for each other.

Marriage came two years later in my parents beautiful back yard. Most of Stefan's family traveled a very long distance to attend. My father got around in a motorized scooter, and all of Stefan's family were new to my father's dramatic humor. My dad hit a small divot in the back yard and his scooter slowly fell and he toppled over. All of Stefan's family went running to help as they screamed in shock thinking something for sure would be broken. Now my family, we all just stopped, stared and laughed. Because we all loved him, we eventually made it to his side and set him upright back in his scooter. Happy to get a rise out of everyone, he trolled away and we all went back to work cleaning up, leaving our guests speechless.

A few years and many moves later we bought a home and settled for a couple of years. Each time there was baby on either of our brains, we bought a dog. We are now blessed with two wonderful pups.

As we grew together, we grew to love Christ together. We tried and still try so hard to keep Him in the center of our relationship. It's not always the case, but we always return to Him. His graces amaze me. His unending love comforts each of my days. I know that Stefan's strong faith and his leadership in our home will be the icing on the cake as we raise our family together.

Stefan is a great dad, he's on the floor playing castles and princesses with Gracie. She loves riding on his back and he chases us around the room. We're on the same page, as far as parenting goes. Sometimes there is a good cop/bad cop in parenting and we try really hard to stay away from that. We don't want her to try to play a game of "but mom said yes" and completely undermine our spouse.

God really shines when it comes to encouragement and uplifting support. When one of us is down, the other will come in and provide loving encouragement and visa-verse. We are rarely, if ever, sick at the same time, so we are able to take care of each other and our household.

On to checking more off the list.....