Thursday, November 20, 2014

It is Finished

Whew! It's been a long 9 months. Baby A is growing and is healthy and happy. We are so happy that he is here with us.

This past Monday, we had to appear before a judge, answer some simple questions regarding our adoption and Baby A and make our adoption legal and final. The judge signed the final decree making Baby A official ours.

I thought I would be more emotional about it, but I made it through without tears. I thought back to Baby A's birthmother. She did such a selfless act of letting Baby A go. I wonder if she is heartbroken daily over this. Does she think of him often? Does she ever want to see him and meet him when he gets older? We may never know the answers to these questions. She is not obligated to write back when I send her a letter each month. I have to send her letters once a month until he is one. Then, twice a year until he is 18. I try to end each letter with an open invitation to starting a healthy relationship with her biological son. I expect we will never hear from her, but we will always invite her to.

The journey to start the adoption process was long, we had to answer question after question, but it was all about us. The answers were easy, black and white answers put on paper to make sure we were fit parents to adopt. Here is the blog that started our adoption journey: Check it Off

The next part...waiting. Boy that was hard. We experienced rejection by potential birthmothers. We trialed though a failed match. Read it here: All in 24 Hours

If I thought the waiting part was hard, I was way wrong. The waiting for Baby A to gain weight and be ready to come home with us was excruciating. The struggle can be read about here: Redemption & Revelation

But now that he is finally, legally ours, I have to think these are not going to be the hardest parts of having Baby A join our family. I need to pray about all the answers that I won't be able to give to him as he starts to question his adoption. The answers are not going to be black and white. The questions are going to be hard and the answers are going to be harder. The adoption part doesn't just disappear after finalization. It's there for the rest of our lives.

The anticipation and excitement of waiting for Baby A are long over, but there is one looming detail of this adoption that we face monthly. Our hefty adoption loan. We did not meet our $20,000 goal before we left to get Baby A. We are closing in on having $5000 raised so far! How awesome is that?! We are thankful for all who have supported us, through prayers, money, and advice. If you feel lead to help us along with our adoption, we would be grateful. We took on this debt after clearly hearing from God that Baby A is for us and that He will provide our every need during this journey. He has met us each month and we are thankful that God keeps His promises. The sooner we can pay off this debt and start saving money again, the sooner we can start the whole process over again to bring home another child to add to our family. I can't wait!

To donate now: Click Here 

Friday, February 28, 2014


Lord, please forgive me. I am a sinner. 

My little boy is growing and thriving in the NICU, without me there to hold him and tell him that I love him. I just want to leave my world right now to be with him. I know not everything is in place for this to happen, but I want to be there NOW. I am so bitter by the fact that each week since he was born we get one-sentence updates and each update is accompanied by “He’ll be here one or two weeks.” I've heard that three times and he is only 14 days old. I hate the fact that I don’t know more, I don’t even know how long he is, if he has hair, if he cries when he is lonely. Is someone there to hold him and comfort him? I am angry that I can’t be a better mother to him. I feel like I have failed him and I haven’t even met him yet.

Romans 3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

I prayed this morning, why am I not content? I’m typically a go with the flow type person. The Holy Spirit quickly removed all thoughts and had a flashing sign in my head that screamed bitterness and selfishness. I’m dragging my family down with me with my quick, short and snippy responses. I just want to curl into a ball, in bed, and not get out until we get “the call”. I feel like I can’t function, I can’t focus on anything. My heart is fully in Texas and my body, here (shivering from the sub-zero temps).

God, please forgive me of my sins. Thank you for your unending love and grace. Cleanse me and make me whole again.

Proverbs 28:13 He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

God, why is your plan not matching up with my plan? I had this adoption thing down pat: baby born, we fly to get him, we love him and return home, we start being a family of four. My plan sounds pretty perfect, I don’t find any flaws in my plan. It’s easy.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

EASY! I know God’s perfect plan isn't always easy. But it is to glorify Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

My good friend consoled me when I cried after getting the last update. She validated my feelings of longing to be with our little boy. The crushing feeling of wanting to control everything. Again I prayed, God, be with him, because that is your plan. Make me humble today. Take control of my life. 

Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Friends have said, you are almost there. He is almost home. He’s growing and you are getting positive updates. They are all right, but I am growing weary though from the wait, from the unknown. I need to tighten my shoe laces, I must make it to the last mile marker and I can then see the finish line.

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Bring me hope, every day, Lord. So that I may finish the race with your love and mercy surrounding me.

Romans 5:3-4 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.

Adoption is beyond understanding or articulating to others who have not been a part of it. I hope this post brings you closer to understanding the raw emotional part of this process. It tears me down, exposing my true heart. But Jesus is right there to build me back up in a way that is pleasing and glorifying to the Lord.


If you haven’t seen our fundraising campaign, here are the details:

The adoption is out of state and we need to bring $30,000 with us for this placement. It is due in full; as there are no payment plans in most adoptions. We do not have this amount of money, we have no way of saving to reach this amount, but we've started. So far we have saved and raised over $14,000 towards this goal. We've created a campaign to help us raise the remaining money needed to bring our baby home.


Please prayerfully consider giving just $5
Here’s the big request: Please share our AdoptTogether link to 5 of your friends or family
Please also consider sharing this blog, our video, or our giving page on your social networks

We’d like to see our profile go viral! We have a goal of $20,000 to raise, BEFORE WE LEAVE! Please help us to achieve our goal by sharing with anyone you know. We need this to reach 4000 people if everyone gives just $5! That’s a big number, but I know with all of your help, we can do this.

DID I MENTION: Your donation is tax-deductible!

It is very humbling to ask so many of you for money to help us bring a baby home. We are very grateful for what everyone has already given. We are excited to see God provide through all of you making a small donation.

If you are not able to give at this time, we ask that you keep us in your prayers. We are thankful for these, as we can see the blessings from God from your prayers.

For all of you that are facebook friends or followers on twitter, you may see this blog post or our giving page linked on my facebook or twitter account many, many times in the next month. I know not everyone checks facebook hourly, daily, weekly, monthly…. whatever it may be. Since we need to get the word out, I want this to hit as many homepage feeds as possible, so I’m not trying to harass you into giving; I’m just trying to reach those who may have not seen it posted before.

We’re very excited for this part of our journey, won’t you join us?

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Since our last blog post, ALMOST HOME, we received a call shortly after (a mere hour or so) I posted our online giving campaign to our friends and family for fundraising help. Our social worker said that our baby boy was born on Valentine’s Day. Oh my heart! He’s here! In that second, I felt my love for him.

I had so many things bombarding my brain, I couldn't think. I didn't know what to ask, what to say. I just listened as she told me that he was doing well and that Monday or Tuesday the sending state agent would go to the hospital to have the mother relinquish her birth rights. I don’t think I will ever be able to understand the birth mothers thoughts and fears that lead up to signing on the line. Will she every hear about her baby’s growth, how he’s doing, maybe a chance to meet him in the future? I prayed for her for a long time that day. Will she overcome guilt and be filled with joy for the selflessness she is enduring to have another family provide a loving and welcoming home for her baby? The birth mom relinquished her rights on Monday afternoon. Baby boy A is ours! Not technically, but the rights are turned over to the adoption agency until he is released from the hospital, at which point we will fly to take placement.

Yesterday was a hard day. Baby A turned a week old and we weren't there to say I love you, way to go, you've come a long way. We can’t hold him, love on him, kiss him and tell him that everything is going to be okay. I prayed and I cried. Lord, help him grow; give him strength so we may travel sooner than later. I want to hold my baby boy. I want to be the one to feed him, change him, give him all that he needs. Lord, please whisper in his ear that mommy and daddy are coming to get you. Give him comfort that he is loved by you and by us.

The closer we are to travel, the harder it is to sit by and wait for the phone call, text or email. I am a slave to my phone. It goes everywhere with me. It dings and I jump! If I didn't own a mobile phone, I think I would have to quit my job and stay home all day waiting for the phone to ring. You’d think I was going crazy, but no, we’re just adopting.We can’t waste a minute after finding out that we need to travel. We will only get one or two days notice as to when they will release our baby from the hospital.

Here are a few updates that we received, it’s not much, but updates make me feel so much closer to him. He’s taking formula from a bottle rather than a feeding tube. There has been no indication that he is on oxygen, which I can only assume then he does not need it. Other than that, he is doing well. That’s all we get. We grasp to the knowledge that he is well.

We continue to pray for his health and his growth so he can be release. I know with preemies they need to be in the NICU, they need to meet certain milestones to be considered for release.


We are amazed by all of our friends and family who have given to our GIVE 5 SHARE 5 fundraiser. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everyone who has given and for those who have shared our story with others. It’s humbling to ask friends and family to give. But you have blown us away and have given well over our ask of just $5 each. We have raised $3,200 so far! Praise God for his provision.

Please prayerfully consider giving to our adoption fund to BRING BABY "A" HOME. A lot or a little, it all matters. Our goal is $20,000 to raise. We've saved $11,000 to reach our $30,000 placement fee.

If you feel moved to give, please visit

There you can read our story and watch our videos. We hope to continue updating with more videos when we are able.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Philippians 4:4

Monday, February 17, 2014


We are counting down the days to our next potential adoption. We have been matched with a birth momma who is due in March with a baby boy. Maybe our baby boy.

Psalm 28:7 Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to Him.

We have been praying for the health of this momma and baby, as well as for her preparation of planning an adoption plan for this little one. We are so excited, reserved excitement! I am praying for protection of our hearts, that if this adoption falls through we know that God is sovereign and will get us through another heartache. We’ve had one failed match this past November and you can read about it here.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Typically we wouldn’t make an announcement so early in the process because there are so many unpredictable things that could happen that wouldn’t allow us to bring baby home. BUT, we need your help. The adoption is out of state and we need to bring $30,000 with us for this placement. It is due in full; as there are no payment plans in most adoptions. We do not have this amount of money, we have no way of saving to reach this amount, but we’ve started. So far we have saved and raised over $11,000 towards this goal. We’ve created a campaign to help us raise the remaining money needed to bring our baby home.

You don’t have to get out of your pajamas, drive your car, or mail a check. Look to the right of this page, just above our Goal Tracker. Do you see the Donate with AdoptTogether button? If you don’t see it, click here. You’ll be taken right to our fundraising page and you can donate anytime, anywhere.

Please prayerfully consider giving just $5
Here’s the big request: Please share our AdoptTogether link to 5 of your friends or family
Please also consider sharing this blog, our video, or our giving page on your social networks

We’d like to see our profile go viral! We have a goal of $20,000 to raise, BY NEXT MONTH! Please help us to achieve our goal by sharing with anyone you know. We need this to reach 4000 people if everyone gives just $5! That’s a big number, but I know with all of your help, we can do this.

DID I MENTION: Your donation is tax-deductible!

It is very humbling to ask so many of you for money to help us bring a baby home. We are very grateful for what everyone has already given. We are excited to see God provide through all of you making a small donation.

If you are not able to give at this time, we ask that you keep us in your prayers. We are thankful for these, as we can see the blessings from God from your prayers.

For all of you that are facebook friends or followers on twitter, you may see this blog post or our giving page linked on my facebook or twitter account many, many times in the next month. I know not everyone checks facebook hourly, daily, weekly, monthly…. whatever it may be. Since we need to get the word out, I want this to hit as many homepage feeds as possible, so I’m not trying to harass you into giving; I’m just trying to reach those who may have not seen it posted before.

We’re very excited for this part of our journey, won’t you join us?