Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fun with Fundraising

We had our first fundraiser. We had a humongous garage sale. Over 20 families donated to our sale to make it a huge success. We raised over half of our homestudy costs. Praise the Lord for his provision. He brought the donors, he brought the buyers. We advertised it as an adoption fundraiser online and the sign at the end of the driveway. This brought so many people out to talk to us about their adoption, ask us questions about our adoption, and people just pulled up to our driveway and donated money without even browsing the sale. Moved by everyone's generosity made all the hard work worth while.

Not only did the donors give me a ton of items to sell, I had so many people offer to help me set up and be at the sale to help. I could not have done it without you all. Thank you to everyone, those who were here ten minutes dropping of donations, and those who were here throughout my sale. My mother flew from out of state to help me over the weekend and it was a wonderful time to spend with her. I am so grateful.