Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cheers to the Beginning

We’re adopting! Two words that I thought I would say about 6 – 8 years from now. I knew I wanted to adopt children when I was young. I knew I wanted to care and love for children that were not biologically mine, but after having 2-4 of my own biological children. Wow, one biological child later, we are plunging in to adoption.  

My husband, Stefan, and I are on the same page at the same time with adoption. This doesn’t always happen when the adoption topic is brought up. We’d rather put our money towards adoption than fertility treatments. After 22 months of trying to naturally conceive we are moving on. Don’t get me wrong, we prayed, asked others to pray, prayed some more, our two and a half year old daughter prayed for a sister or brother, we prayed with our daughter, and then prayed some more. Feeling extremely blessed to have our daughter is overwhelming, considering the results of all the testing I did to find out why there were difficulties this time around. (I’ll be nicknaming our daughter Gracie for her protection, so if you know me and you want to leave a comment, please do not use her real name. Thank you for respecting that.)

We considered adoption long before I thought there was an issue with fertility. Growing our family has been on my heart since Gracie was born. Our friends around us were families of three and so we were on track. Then some had two, then three. I felt left behind, defeated, confused, and saddened that our family wasn’t growing like the others. I sought God for an explanation “Why?”, I heard nothing. We kept trying. I again called on God, “Is adding to our family not part of your plan?” No answer. We kept trying. “God, can you please take away the pain and heartache each month that passes and my womb is empty?” God finally answered. “I will guard your heart.” That was good enough for me because it was good enough for God. Months passed, my heart softened, joy overcame my sadness. Our journey begins……

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for your honesty! We need more of that around here. :) Blessings to you & your family on this journey!
